The Perfect Storm


The S.S. Dawson takes on Victoria Harbour

The Perfect Storm – Part 1: Morning Madness

The Perfect Storm: an especially bad day where conditions dish up nothing but snake eyes

I’ve never experienced the perfect storm in Hong Kong…but if I did, I imagine it would follow this factually based hypothetical timeline…

6:00am – I wake up to the sound of urine. The steady, unmistakable sound of someone else’s morning piss plunges deep and sure into my brain. The walls are thin, the urine is strong. I swoon a little, imagining some old woman hosing out her steaming yellow labia liquid in the unit above me. I hope I don’t have to listen to her trying to push the kids into the deep end…oh…too late. I vomit in my mouth a little…it’s going to be one of those days…


Aunty Urine’s special labia liquid

6:15am – I try to make my way to the shower before the door slamming starts. But I don’t make it. BANG! SLAM! SCREECH! BANG! KA FUCKING SLAM! There’s 8 units on my floor and the savages living in them need to leave early for school or their customer service jobs on the other side of Hong Kong. They slam their doors with a kind of cruelty and hateful spite which truly boggles the mind. I feel like I’m being violated somehow.

6:20am – I’m sitting down, trying to read a few pages of a book before I have to leave for work. But Aunty Urine’s up there chopping a bagful of radish. CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP. She sure does have a lot of radish. She’s swinging from the shoulder too. CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! From the unit above and to the right of me, another woman…a mother, starts screaming at her young children. She’s firing off a withering barrage of instruction and scolding. She’s snapping and biting off anywhere between 300 to 500 Cantonese words a minute I’d reckon. She has, easily, one of the most grating and irritating voices I’ve ever heard. And right here, in my home, my castle…that bitch is crystal clear.


Damn radishes

6:22am – Someone on my floor comes by my door to take rubbish to the bin in the stairwell. Their trash clunks into the big plastic bin then I hear them shuffling back down to their unit…seconds later the heavy, fireproof stairwell door crashes closed with a gigantic thud. That’s followed by my neighbour slamming her own door as loud as she can in typical Hong Kong fashion. Meanwhile – Aunty Urine’s still dealing with the radish; CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOP! CHOPPITY CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP! CHOP! CHOP; someone’s started tapping something for some reason somewhere in the unit next to me and I can hear a TV blaring…that’d be my other neighbours – the ones who enjoy leaving their door open and their TV on, loud, at 6 in the morning.


Home is where the hate is

6:24am – The man in the unit above and to the left of me starts his daily hammering activities. Not sure what kind of project he’s working on, but he should be finished soon because he’s been at it for a solid year now. Moments later, car horns start going off somewhere down on the street. And I mean going off. I don’t even live in a built up area. What the fuck is going on down there? I keep reading the same line in my book over and over again, not knowing what it says. I have to get the fuck out of here.

6:30am – I’m on my floor waiting for the lift, praying none of my neighbors come out. Because if they do, I know they’ll be bellowing at one another and their breath will stink. Just before the lift arrives I hear commotion from round the corner. Keys are rustling, voices are yelling and doors are slamming in typical Hong Kong fashion. I mash the CLOSE button feverishly, in typical Hong Kong fashion, but I’m too late. Mr and Mrs So Fuk Yiu slide inside. At first they’re like goldfish added to a new tank…docile…quiet…slightly stunned. I half entertain the idea that the whole ride to ground level will be peaceful…civilized even. But like a rocket ship that’s just blown a rivet, Mrs So Fuk Yiu unleashes a wild sawtooth screaming salvo which is instantly interpreted by Mr So as some form of coherent communication and has him yelling back in turn immediately, at twice the volume. They’re not fighting…just chatting. They continue, both shrieking at the same time, all the way to the lobby. Not sure if they noticed I was there…but I don’t think it would it have mattered either way.


Mr & Mrs So Fuk Yiu

6:35am – I’m on the street now. I have a 10 minute walk to the MTR. The first thing I notice is maids all over the place carrying school bags for spoiled cunt school children. The second thing I notice is mothers and fathers holding drink bottles or some kind of limp bread up to their child’s mouth, helping them eat and drink and then wiping their mouths for them. Their goggled-eyed child stands ineptly, arms dangling uselessly by their side as they vacantly chew.


Hong Kong students learn about how entitled they are

6:40am – I’m half way to the MTR and I’ve noticed everyone is walking really fast. It’s as if they can’t wait to get to work. They’re double timing it…like they’re being frog-marched by someone with a gun to their back. Why can’t people move with this much purpose at the ATM or summon this kind of energy to return their shopping trolleys to the rack, helping to keep the checkout area clear of trolleys and baskets? What the fuck is wrong with these people? Later, there’s a woman in front of me trying so hard to walk fast she almost pitches forward and topples over. I glide past her, look back and she’s holding up the queue trying to find her Octopus Card in her handbag. What a moron.


Why use one phone when you can make more of an asshole of yourself with two??

6:50am – The MTR. Dear God.


To be continued…in…

The Perfect Storm – Part 2: MTR Murder


Good Samaritans document the scene for law enforcement officials


This post brought to you by tissues. Good for hawking up phlegm, spitting in, then tossing into or near a rubbish bin.


Packet of tissues store value…40 cents. Special promotion value…free. Lining up for 20 minutes to get them…priceless.


Scum…subhuman scum


Snake eyes you lose!

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104 Responses to The Perfect Storm

  1. Glög says:

    Wow! I can relate to most of this! I thought I was being overly sensitive, or maybe I have super acute hearing. But seriously!?! WTF are they chopping all day???How many times do these people eat???
    Luckily I don’t have “door slammers” in my building, but I have “hallway smokers”…a totally different nuisance. Not only does the stench penetrate the flat and wake you at any hour of the night, they also sometimes bring a friend and the shouting match ensues.
    God help us!!!

  2. Fuk Yu Too says:

    “Mr and Mrs So Fuk Yiu!!!”.. wahahahaa.. That was good..

    “Why use one phone when you can make more of an asshole of yourself with two??” Have you been into a taxi with the driver having 9 phones in front of him??

  3. Nirvana in Fire 6 says:

    I wouldn’t call it “The Perfect Storm – Part 2: MTR Murder”..

    why don’t you call it “Self Immolation at the MTR on Facebook live”

    this whole place is really just one giant mental institution!

  4. hkopiumden says:

    lol one of your best. looking forward to Part 2

  5. Anonymous says:

    Forget the MTR. Take a taxi and get your mother fucked for free… in HK style, fakyomada.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Dudley, I can sense that you’re beginning to repeat yourself (i.e. “I love the smell of WD40 in the morning”). Your posts are very amusing and entertaining, but you won’t change the Devil, the Devil will change you. Is it time for you to bugger off from HK and recover your sanity? Just a thought… great work you’ve been doing so far though.

  7. Cat's Eye says:

    Just when I think I’ve seen/heard/smelled it all or feel I’ve become desensitized to what goes on here, I realize that I haven’t. It’s like the movie “Groundhog Day” where life repeats itself for one man.
    My complaints and frustrations repeat themselves daily so I see nothing wrong with what Dudley is doing. I sometimes reread posts just to reaffirm my view on things.
    Anonymous, I do agree with “…you can’t change the Devil, the Devil will change you.” That is probably the most difficult aspect to deal with and remember.
    Does anyone recover their sanity completely once they’ve left HK?

  8. hkopiumden says:

    You guys are readiing too much into this. he’s a piss taker. Pure and simple. If anything pisses you off, – mission accomplished . He’s using Hong Kong as a canvass to sling mud, prod sores and needle people who need needling. You really think he’s curled up in a corner worried that Hong KOng is going to change him into the kinds of fucks he dishes out to here??

  9. Martial arts is bogus says:

    HK does change people for the worse. Characteristics include:
    -Disregard for others
    -Becoming soft and weak physically (despite excising like a mad freak)
    -Becoming soft and weak mentally
    -Sexual perversion

  10. Fuk Me Too says:

    Anonymous and “Martial arts is bogus” are right. They have made a good point.

    After spending a few years inside a prison or mental institution, you will become one of them no matter how good a person you were before.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Cat’s Eye: “Does anyone recover their sanity completely once they’ve left HK?” Possibly, but fuck me, it’s difficult! This freaking nightmare keeps haunting you for a long time, I promise you.
    hkopiumden: “You really think he’s curled up in a corner worried that Hong KOng is going to change him into the kinds of fucks he dishes out to here??” Of course not! And he damn shouldn’t, otherwise he’s letting those pieces of shit win. It was just a though… no big deal.
    Fuk Me Too: “After spending a few years inside a prison or mental institution, you will become one of them no matter how good a person you were before.” In this unimaginable dystopian of a huge pile of turds, one cannot afford to remotely allow being infected by it. It’s repulsive. I didn’t, and fucking fought back on countless occasions. Trouble with that, it does affect your mental and physical health, apart from being extremely exhausting. That’s when IMO it’s time to give up the rat race and move on. Fucking rat race?? This expression doesn’t even begin to describe the kind of horrors. Diseased, abnormal, race of moving excrement. I’ve decided to really be mindful of my own health and buggered off. I used to read this blog regularly, reason why I basically know every single post almost by heart, but now I barely open this blog, and that’s a good sign… a sign that I’m moving on.

  12. Buck says:

    ” I’m on my floor waiting for the lift, praying none of my neighbors come out. Because if they do, I know they’ll be bellowing at one another and their breath will stink.”

    I can so relate to this. A year ago I stopped using the elevator, and only take the stairs, for this very reason.

  13. Cat's Eye says:


    It’s everywhere! Long and short, but mostly long black hair in the lifts, on the stairs, on the streets, on the buses. There are a lot of people here, I get that, but it’s f@$#!% everywhere!

    My husband I and don’t go out to eat all that often here for a number of reasons and hair is one of them. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve found hair in my food at a restaurant. I’ve also found it, for example, on vegetables and fish I buy at the grocery store.

    Disgusting! and repulsive! Hair, spit, snot…

  14. HK mall island says:

    I can finally leave this shithole that os Hong Kong. I had the same old cunt in the flat below chopping shit for hours. While watching tv at full volume with the door open , never know your neighbour might be interested in listening to your program! She then would complain when someone had a party at 10pm, old cunt.
    Sad place full of cunts thinking they live in the most civilized place in the world. I hope I can heal fast enough from living there for so long. Horrible filthy blood sucking racist scum.

  15. Often Wong says:

    what do you hate most about the local restaurants?

    (1) hair and snort in the food
    (2) cockroaches
    (3) the noise
    (4) the food
    (5) the people

  16. Gweilos Suck says:

    Can you continue to the part when you arrive at your shitty English teacher job?

  17. HK mall island says:

    Often wong.

    I think the worst thing about HK restaurants are the locals. I’d rather have cockroaches than a local slurping like it is the first meal they had in years.

  18. @gs I’m going to skip that part coz I don’t want anyone to know what I do for a crust SHHHHHHHHHHH!

  19. Tony M says:

    To Gweilos Suck: I respect the teachers my children have. You are an awful vile human who needs to die for showing such contempt for teachers…who next? Nurses? Firemen? What a nasty freak you are. Please be ripped to shreads.

  20. hkopiumden says:

    I thought that moron was banned??

  21. Martial arts is bogus says:

    Not just a moron, a pervert. Described how he liked paying for sex in HK ghettos and abusing women. Disgusting life form.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Ahhh, the fresh air of a new post, time to get everything back in perspective in this piece of shit.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much for this!!!

    Never do get used to the staring. Like they are looking at an actual alien from a far off galaxy. with their dead little eyes reflecting a crushed soul and limited mental capacity.

    try walking down the street with an attractive Chinese (or any asian will do) girl and see the stares! racists!

  24. Dystopian Chan says:

    Which of the following characteristics define the Hong Kong people?
    (A) Self Centered
    (B) Dishonest
    (C) Doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone
    (D) Greed
    (E) Amoral
    (F) Exploitative
    (G) Cold-blooded
    (H) Psychopathic
    (I) Abusive
    (J) Lack of common sense
    (K) all of the above

  25. Buck says:

    well, the answer is obvious.

  26. Buck says:

    I’d revise (C) “Doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone” to (C) “Doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone except themselves”.

  27. Martial arts is bogus says:

    On the bright side, the girls lick and french kiss asshole it like its a movie stars mouth.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Fucking hate this place can’t wait to get out!

  29. Cat's Eye says:

    “Later, there’s a woman in front of me trying so hard to walk fast she almost pitches forward and topples over. I glide past her, look back and she’s holding up the queue trying to find her Octopus Card in her handbag. What a moron.” From D.D.

    I despise these people, too. Rush to jump the queue at the bus stop or MTR and, lo and behold, they don’t have the card ready or change! OMG

    Often Wong: All of the above. Can’t stand all the gross stuff I see and hear in a restaurant.
    Dystopian Chan: All of the above with Buck’s revision of (C)

    So many of us seem to be biding our time here.

  30. Dystopian Chan says:

    The Perfect Storm – Part 2: MTR Murder

    A gweiloo is trying to help the man who is dying. That gweiloo must be new here..

  31. Animal Farm says:

    Just imagine how it would feel ramming those mobile phones down their ugly garoupa deformed faces. Nice huh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Wow, you guys are pretty spot on about Hong Kong, its kind of a really fast and rich shithole, highlighting the terrifying over-competitveness and the side-effects living in an urban city. BTW do you guys know Chinese?

  33. Anonymous says:

    BTW have you guys try living in 長洲, its like that one island which have lots of foreigners on it, its a pretty good place for foreigners who cannot take HK’s over-competetiveness

  34. Anonymous says:

    BTW don’t live in a public housing estate especially the Tong Lau (really old ones), those buildings are cut into spaces so small yet so expensive that you basically is a rent slave living in a cage reserved for to be-butchered animals. Also you guys seriously don’t like butchered animals….

  35. Anonymous says:

    Also in most cases of loud speaking rude people, if their speech contain only 4 tones, it is probably not a local Hong Kong person but a person from literal China. You don’t need to reason with them as they are uncultured cucks.

  36. HK mall island says:

    Who is that weirdo who post random shit in the comment. By the way you write like a HK cunt. Always blaming mainland for their own problems, you need to realise HKers are animals and even worse than mainlanders.

  37. Dystopian Chan says:

    yup, that anonymous is a fucker.
    They are willing to learn the English language, dress in western clothes and pretend as if they are part of humanity.
    But inside, they are still psychopaths.
    – they do not fucking care about anything or anyone except themselves.
    – they are not capable of reflecting on their own wrongdoings
    – they don’t have any sense of guilt or shame.
    – they are physically, intellectually, mentally and morally weak
    – they don’t trust anyone, and no one trust them

  38. Anonymous says:

    Fucking sickos! “Literal China”!? Fuck off. Hong Hong is Literal Shit.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Kinda think about it, how can a person dress in Chinese clothing?

  40. Anonymous says:

    The people of Hong Kong doing wrong? Christ you think we like this SHIT? All we do is to try to cope with society, and we can’t even complain about it and leave!

  41. Barry Onion says:

    This blog has brought back many memories for me as I lived in Hong Kong over 20 years ago. Reading the wonderful descriptions reminded me of the smells and stench I had to endure on a daily basis. The pollution was bad then, it must be truely evil now. I pity the poor creatures having to live there.

  42. Anonymous says:

    It takes a lot of guts to just leave once you’ve been lured by the financial “advantages”. Once you get stuck in this turd it’s very… VERY difficult to just leave. This fucking place casts a diabolical spell on your life. Barry, if you thought it was bad some 20 years ago, don’t even think about trying it now. It’s absolutely HELL on earth. The pollution has gotten 1,000 times worse, the stench is unbearable, the horrid people can drive you bat shit insane, the bloody sucking/money grabbing scumbags, the disease stricken place… it got a lot worse… A LOT! Being swindled by the fucking Chinese? No fucking way! Fuck the money, fuck Hong Kong and fuck you, Chinese assholes! I’m out and don’t look back for a second. I just want to see those assholes out of my country now, and back to your fucking shithole, where you belong.

  43. Chinaman contoller says:

    I agree. Chinese should not be alliwed to live outside of Mainland China. Includes Singaporean, Malaysian Chinks, HK Chinks, UK Chinks.. .all of them, GO TO CHINA NOW PLEASE

  44. Anonymous says:

    Yup, they will have to clean their own shit stained toilet after all, like a HK Chinese asshole stated in a Filipino blog a while back. Repent? Fuck them all.

  45. HK Small Penis Island says:

    Hkers can’t fend for themselves without support. They can’t clean their clothes without the cleaner down their building. They can’t raise their kids without their personal slaves, They can’t learn things without going through these stupid after school superstar teachers programs, they don’t even know how to fight that’s why there are a million boxing clubs around the city, they can’t cook that’s why they spend their life in restaurant (open rice being their compass), they can’t even build their own fucking city or MTR as they rely on Western companies for this and cheap supply of Nepalese, they can’t even manage their money that’s why they bring all these expats in banks since locals are complete dumbfucks, they can’t even go on holidays discovering new places without buy a tour. They’re the most dependent people I have seen, yet act like they control everything, they can’t even shag their wives so they go on all these 141 forums.
    Most expats are stuck because they are overpaid for their level of competence, some know that and save till they can get the fuck out, some just enjoy life and spend money to forget they live in this shit hole, but the worse are the ones thinking it’s the best place on earth and start acting like these morons, stuck on their phones and acting like they own the world.

    Fuck this place

  46. Anon says:

    Well said. I concur with everything you say especially the last para and especially the third type of expat you describe.

  47. Thundercunt says:

    Hear hear!

  48. Anonymous says:

    Oh yes! The fucking expats, utterly incompetent and shit at what they do, but think they have the upper hand and the high life because their fucking assholes are white. Those are the ones who will defend this fucking shithole, and the fucking shit Chinese, because they desperately need validation from this fuckhole to survive and thrive with their own bullshit. You own the world? More like you own the sewage of the world, fuckwits.

  49. 3rd type is best says:

    Their assholes are white??

    How do you know…you fucking pervert.

    Without the 3rd type of expat HK would fail and fast. Careful what you yellow idiots wish for.

  50. Winnie Ho says:

    He knows cos he an effeminate limp wristed China ‘man’ who’s dream is of tasting white butt holes with his tongue. I do too, but:
    1) I am a girl
    2) I love white guys and western guys and do not disrespect them

  51. Anon says:

    How does the third type of expat described benefit the local economy more than the first two types?
    Are you saying because they think HK is the best place on earth and acting like they own the world prevents Hong Kong from failing?

  52. Chinaman controller says:

    Nope, they generate the wealth. The question you asked and how you phrased it says it all about you…you have no idea how it works. Now fuck off, dress smart and pray for a promotion from your bosses. If you get lucky you might work for me…on reception to show a yellow face.

  53. Anon says:

    At the risk of sounding like Gweilo Sucks, a previous poster who was banned a while back I’m actually a retired white guy. Thanks for the job offer but I don’t work for expat trash.
    If any of the expats in HK were the big shots they pretend to be they’d be back in their home countries being big shots. Most of you are suffering from delusions. Harmless in most cases thankfully.
    For example
    Chinaman contoller says:
    August 1, 2017 at 12:20 am
    I agree. Chinese should not be alliwed to live outside of Mainland China. Includes Singaporean, Malaysian Chinks, HK Chinks, UK Chinks.. .all of them, GO TO CHINA NOW PLEASE
    You seem to have a problem in having chosen to migrate to another country to generate wealth and then allowing other people from that country to make the same decision.

  54. Chinaman says:

    China is already the richest country in the world (on a PPP basis). Fucking gweiloos work for Chinamen now. In 10 years, we will hire gweiloos as domestic helpers.

  55. Anonymous says:

    ‘Chinaman says:
    August 13, 2017 at 5:08 am
    China is already the richest country in the world (on a PPP basis). Fucking gweiloos work for Chinamen now. In 10 years, we will hire gweiloos as domestic helpers.’

    Not me, motherfucker.

    3rd type is best and Winnie Ho: you’re two fucking idiots.

  56. Anonymous says:

    Anon says:
    August 13, 2017 at 4:49 am

    “If any of the expats in HK were the big shots they pretend to be they’d be back in their home countries being big shots. Most of you are suffering from delusions. Harmless in most cases thankfully.”

    That was basically my point in the above post: “August 11, 2017 at 10:33 am”. But I’d only change “harmless” to “useless”… pretentiously useless.

    Hong Kong not only sucks because of crass, paranoid, selfish, brass-knuckled Chinese morons, it sucks also because of white fuckwits, utterly useless idiots, like some of the above posters. Keep up the good work “white trash”. I’m also beginning to sound like the old cunt, GS, haha.

    … and I am pissing myself laughing at the fact that you fuckwits think I am a Chink hahahahahahahaha…

  57. Tony M says:

    Wow, the blog is eating itself. Now GS has gone and Chinese trolls have gone you fools are turning on westerners you decide you don’t like. Interesting case study in the human condition.

  58. Anonymous says:

    Hence “The Perfect Storm”. Cut the bullshit Tony M, this is a blog about “Hong Kong Sucks” and not “Hong Kong Chinese Sucks”. The “human condition” you refer to isn’t only related to the retard Chinese, but also to the expats who turn retards (or were already retards prior to choosing this place for their “open play field”). It’s not a generalisation, but those sickos who keep on bragging about butthole rimming for ex., well I don’t give a rat’s ass about what those stupid Chinese girls do with their tongues, but they also happen to be human beings. White girls can also do the same. I don’t give a shit about their bogus stories of butthole rimming anyway, and if some of those bitches really like it, fuck them. Then you get a fucking idiot, Gweilo Sucks, who kept on and on about his [boring] collection of Chinese pussies. Well, as a matter of fact there are thousands of single white girls out there in Hong Kong, but guess what, they have their brains fucked up. I actually came across quite a few who would in fact throw themselves onto those deformed grouper faces Chinese cunts, and then post things like “how difficult it is to get a date in Hong Kong”. I have read those fucking stupid blogs, and happen to know the white bitches who posted them, whereas the day before they were throwing themselves all over those cunts. Pathetic! But I know why they do this, because they’re insecure about themselves, confused just about everything and are either just as gold diggers as their Chinese counterparts, or fucked up and suspicious of white guys in HK. Then you get the Indians, Pakistani, etc, tormenting white guys on the streets with counterfeit items, like we’re only looking for fucking shit in HK. Then the Chinese thinking the same, and furthermore, that we’re hedonists only looking to satisfy our sexual perversions. Then you get the white guys, behaving like drunken school boys, or pompous pricks with a sense that they now have the fucking “high life”. Then… well fuck all that. The sleazy white “intellectuals” who probably wouldn’t get half a chance in the West and have no choice but to pretend they “embrace” and “contribute” to the cultural and intellectual development of this fuckhole. I repeat once again, it is NOT a generalisation, but that’s the full picture of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Sucks is a lot more than just Chinese morons.

  59. Tony M says:

    I think people are clearly jealous of those more successful than them in work and fucking, but aside from that…

    HK was SO MUCH BETTER under British rule, it is declining day by day…the party is over is what most people say and I agree.

  60. Chinaman says:

    I just bought Southampton Football Club.for 200 million. Maybe I will buy a country next. HAHAAAA….

  61. Chinaman Controller says:

    Famous Chinese football players….errhhhh no….any Chinaman that can play sport at all…..No…..1 team sport Chinese can play….no????

    Drugged up sour and grim faced ‘athletes’ doing sports no-one cares about just to get medals don’t count.

  62. Anonymous says:

    “Tony M says:
    August 15, 2017 at 6:29 pm
    I think people are clearly jealous of those more successful than them in work and fucking, but aside from that…”

    You hit that on the nail head. And that’s what most of the HK Chinese fuckers suffer from, but they actually think they can get the upper hand simply by accumulating wealth, and that’s when they fail miserably. They try (and I say “try”) to beat Westerners at our own game, but sadly for them they’re too dumbfuck to even begin to understand our way of rationale and how we do accomplish way more than they remotely can. It boils down to those idiots trying to “buy” their way into our culture, “buy” into our far superior education, “buy” into our history. Well, I have news for you Chinese losers, you cannot buy our traditions and history. If you want to build something really meaningful, MAKE YOUR OWN HISTORY. But you’re too dumbfuck to even begin to understand it.

    “HK was SO MUCH BETTER under British rule, it is declining day by day…the party is over is what most people say and I agree.”

    For a simple reason, the Brits kept those animals in check, and iron-fist control (although somewhat diluted into the so called laissez-faire rule, which hasn’t always been the case). They had to, otherwise HK would have become the whorehouse it is now decades prior to the Handover.

    Now, the trouble with the fuckwit expats in Hong Kong is that they still believe the party is on, and instead of adopting a more dignifying posture (something they are probably not capable of anyways), they behave like idiots and frankly contribute to nothing. I met a few very successful Western businessmen in Hong Kong, some of whom know exactly what the fuck is going on, and they keep their distance from it all, rightfully so, whereas some others [expats] are just the product of mental diarrhoea, and they’re increasing in numbers and mingling with the already existing Chinese mental diarrhoea. Party is over for those who have the minimum of reasoning and common sense left in themselves.

  63. Anonymous says:

    “Chinaman says:
    August 15, 2017 at 7:15 pm
    I just bought Southampton Football Club.for 200 million. Maybe I will buy a country next. HAHAAAA….”

    HAHAAAA… yeah, congratulations dipshit! Now let me give you two cents, why don’t you put you fucking mouth where your money is now and assert your “racial superiority” by bringing on a Chinese twat as manager, and a bunch of Chinese cunts as players? The club will be slaughtered, go under and bury itself before the season is over. Then show your cunt face to the supporters (not the fake supporters in China/HK, but to the real supporters in Southampton). You can put your fucking money anywhere, right? It’s a free market after all, but be careful with where you put your fucking mouth.

  64. Anonymous says:

    “Tony M says:
    August 15, 2017 at 6:29 pm
    I think people are clearly jealous of those more successful than them in work and fucking, but aside from that…”

    And just to clarify one thing for you, in case you’re being sarcastic, I am not jealous of fucking idiots, and disguised poofs, if they consider arsehole rimming a “fucking success”. My erogenous zone isn’t in my arsehole, it’s on my 9 incher. I don’t need fucking clown fleece fuzzy Asian chicks cleaning my sewage hole to arouse me, I need a real woman who knows how, and is able to, get my cock rock hard. I am also a man who appreciates hygiene, and likes a hygienic woman. I know a lot of women who get my fucking cock pointing to the ceiling without having to lick my arse, and that’s how I like my women. Fucking cheap sewage cleaners can keep their filthy mouths in the right place place, the rubbish bin.

  65. Tony M says:

    Re posting to say I 100% agree with these and also laughed a lot. Thank you whoever you are.


    You hit that on the nail head. And that’s what most of the HK Chinese fuckers suffer from, but they actually think they can get the upper hand simply by accumulating wealth, and that’s when they fail miserably. They try (and I say “try”) to beat Westerners at our own game, but sadly for them they’re too dumbfuck to even begin to understand our way of rationale and how we do accomplish way more than they remotely can. It boils down to those idiots trying to “buy” their way into our culture, “buy” into our far superior education, “buy” into our history. Well, I have news for you Chinese losers, you cannot buy our traditions and history. If you want to build something really meaningful, MAKE YOUR OWN HISTORY. But you’re too dumbfuck to even begin to understand it.

    HAHAAAA… yeah, congratulations dipshit! Now let me give you two cents, why don’t you put you fucking mouth where your money is now and assert your “racial superiority” by bringing on a Chinese twat as manager, and a bunch of Chinese cunts as players? The club will be slaughtered, go under and bury itself before the season is over. Then show your cunt face to the supporters (not the fake supporters in China/HK, but to the real supporters in Southampton). You can put your fucking money anywhere, right? It’s a free market after all, but be careful with where you put your fucking mouth.

  66. Chinaman says:

    Anonymous says:
    August 16, 2017 at 7:36 am

    “HAHAAAA… yeah, congratulations dipshit! Now let me give you two cents, why don’t you put you fucking mouth where your money is now and assert your “racial superiority” by bringing on a Chinese twat as manager, and a bunch of Chinese cunts as players? The club will be slaughtered, go under and bury itself before the season is over. Then show your cunt face to the supporters (not the fake supporters in China/HK, but to the real supporters in Southampton). You can put your fucking money anywhere, right? It’s a free market after all, but be careful with where you put your fucking mouth.”
    What kinda dumb fuck are you? I bought the club so that those stupid gweiloos can have meaningful employment. Without me and my money, you would be relegated back to your meaningless existence. You of all people would understand, wouldn’t you?

  67. Suk Mi Kok Ho says:

    No Chinaman: does not work, no sense, not funny…what you would expect from a chinky. 10 years China will be over…thank god.

  68. Anonymous says:

    Okay, dipshit Chinaman, let me give you a few of the club’s reactions about this stupid takeover:

    Richie Taylor: “This is worrying times no clarity at all.”

    Alan Clowes: “Dip your hand in your pockets now . Diego Costa is looking for a new home haha.”

    NewForestStu: “Have to say i have serious reservations about this, but then again, perhaps this might be why our stance has changed wrt Virgil etc. Fingers crossed this works out, but i have to admit i am more worried about this than had we of stayed with Kat in total control. Open to the elements now that is for sure.”

    St Forlife: “Well I guess I am in 2 minds. On the one hand we have a new majority owner and time will tell to see where this takes us. Could be positive could be negative. On the other another far eastern owner does concern me given that to him we are simply an asset and a way of channelling his wealth through it and have some ‘sterling’ denominated wealth. I can’t see him throwing money at us given that I imagine he’d as soon buy any premier club that was well financed already and without debt. Will he use the club to continue the buy low sell high business plan – but start to withdraw the profits as dividends? Or will he be looking to grow the clubs ambitions? Who knows I guess is the answer but I time will tell I suppose!!”

    Etc… Katharina Liebherr has resigned from the board of Southampton Football Club as part of a restructuring because she is a fucking useless bitch, who should have never been the CEO of a football club like Southampton in the first place. As piece of shit she is, she decided to roll the dice to another piece of shit to make some dosh, and shambles rumbles on.

    By the way asshole, Southampton FC was founded in 1885 by members of St. Mary’s Church Young Men’s association who played their football on the banks of the Itchen for 13 years before moving on.

    You, motherfucker, and the bitch of your daughter have absolutely nothing to with their history.

    “I bought the club so that those stupid gweiloos can have meaningful employment. Without me and my money, you would be relegated back to your meaningless existence.”

    First of all, whether they are in the Premier League, or 2nd, 3rd or 4th divisions is irrelevant, they have always had a “meaningful employment” and their existence have never been meaningless because they actually topped the Premier League table as early as 1897. Then after downfalls they came back to the 1st division in 1978. I bet you dumbfuck never new this, right? So, to go back to your foul mouth stuff, NO they never needed your fucking money to get out of their “meaningless existence”. You poured your fucking money into Southampton FC because you have nothing better to do in that fucking shithole of yours (China) and decided to meddle into business which isn’t, and never have been any of your fucking concern. Your takeover is the result of useless, fickle and corrupt people, like you. You’re only buying stocks and shares like in a fucking computer game. Now, asshole, what I want to see is if you have the balls to put your fucking mouth where your money is, join the REAL people on the ground and prove that you can really make a difference. But the answer is obvious, you will fuck it up. When you do, I want to watch you showing your fucking deformed grouper chink face to the supporters in Southampton. Have a good day, twat.

  69. Anonymous says:

    Now, just to the amusement of the readers, Katharina Liebherr’s father, Markus Liebherr bought Southampton FC in 2009 for about £15M. The club was to go under administration back then. This fickle bitch now sells 80% of the shares to a chink cunt for £210M because her father brought the club back to the highest division in 2012. Not a bad profit, eh?

  70. HK Small Penis Island says:

    Chinaman, you’re obviously not well versed with your countrymen practices. The only reason they buy football club is to launder money. It’s famous it’s never been a great investment, just a way for braindead billionaire to wave their money and fill their stupid ego. Chinese just buy it because they get taxed too much in their shit hole of a country. They hide their money abroad cause they are scared of Xi to go get these tax dodger fuckers. Look at them, so proud of their country they escape like rats and hide all their money abroad. That is how you separate developed countries from third world. Now come again after buying a second class football club?

  71. Mi Suk Yiu Kok says:

    Great movie of a China ‘Man’ crawling over bridge like cockroach

  72. Anonymous says:

    “HK Small Penis Island says:
    August 20, 2017 at 2:27 am
    Chinaman, you’re obviously not well versed with your countrymen practices. The only reason they buy football club is to launder money. It’s famous it’s never been a great investment, just a way for braindead billionaire to wave their money and fill their stupid ego. Chinese just buy it because they get taxed too much in their shit hole of a country. They hide their money abroad cause they are scared of Xi to go get these tax dodger fuckers. Look at them, so proud of their country they escape like rats and hide all their money abroad. That is how you separate developed countries from third world. Now come again after buying a second class football club?”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. Little do they know in Southampton. Not that I give a shit anyways, they’ve always been at the bottom of the table, and will always stay there, so the chink won’t make much of a profit on this. Go slurp on your wonton noodles, dipshit.

  73. Chinaman says:

    I bought Atlético Madrid, AC Milan, Manchester City and now Southampton. I am planning to buy Cambridge University next.
    And ultimately, I will buy the Government of the United States of America since they owe me US$1 trillion dollar in debt anyway.

  74. Anonymous says:

    There are some things that money just can’t buy, like a soul. Chinese people can buy whatever they’d like with their dirty money, but they are still Chinese. Filthy Chinese savages with no souls.

  75. Barry says:

    It makes me recall Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of The Emperor’s New Clothes.

    Chinese and HK people look stupid wherever they go. They just cant seem to be able to help it.

    The entire world is laughing at them and they don’t seem to be able to see that.

    Its quite sad when you actually think about it.

  76. HK Small Penis Island says:

    You can recognize a Chinese person when all they can think when trying to defend themselves is talking about all the things they bought. Like that racist local in the bus attacking a Filipina who dared sit next to her, after running out of racist abuse she went on how her mobile was out of date and she had the best phone in the world blablabla. This is how you spot soulless people, just thinking material define success. The same way they plaster their degrees everywhere, yet won’t touch any books after graduation, that’s it I made it I’m very smart now, obey! Problem is they skipped on the EQ while studying, and all you have left is an army of autistic zombies busy smashing their phones and faking the perfect life behind a filter, oh look at my best amazing food I had in that Michelin star restaurant, so beautifurrrrrr. Then go on tirade about how dirty westerners are and how uncivilised they are, these god damn expats, always drunk blablbla. While ignoring the simple fact their culture hasn’t bred a notorious writer, painter, explorer etc… in the last few hundreds of years. Just think about this, when people talk about culture, what authors or painters, or inventors comes up? Certainly not Fun Gee Lee from Kowloon with her big shinny master degree in her bedroom.
    Sad people, it’s actually quite fun to see how they are trying to join the banter as they are completely oblivious of this. And thing is, I’m critical of my own people, I agree everything is not perfect an there are a lot of idiots everywhere. But ask a local, and he will blame every single nation around for their own problems. Never you will hear them say it’s because they’re a bunch of self center cunts that their place is turning in such a shit hole.

  77. Simon Oldham says:

    The only thing that makes the men worse than the women is that some of the younger less ugly women…even some super rare that are OK looking…can be viewed over ones belly with a fat nut under each eye as they shove their tongues up your ass so far you wonder whether they are trying to train as a turd polisher. They only do this for western guys.

  78. Anonymous says:

    Hahahahaha… “turd polisher”.

    You know, HK Small Penis Island, one the point of “The same way they plaster their degrees everywhere, yet won’t touch any books after graduation, that’s it I made it I’m very smart now, obey!”, I have learnt from locals (students of mine) about the scandal of fake degrees and diplomas from Western colleges with which those local scumbags use to impress, and take advantage of, other local idiots to fill up their pockets. I bet you most of those “celebrity tutors” all have their fake shiny diplomas, covering the walls of their 30 sq ft shitholes in a stinky commercial building to scum their counterparts out of their money. On the other side of the coin, you have tons of those zombies, shadow walking around university campuses across Western countries, barely scratching a pass, to then take them back home and display as the most phenomenal attainment in the history of mankind. Those parasitic turds relish on the fact that they can display a Western degree (whether financed by rich mommy and daddy, or by fraudulent means) and have the presumption to pose as “great masters”. What a bunch of turd polishers haha.

  79. HK Small Penis Island says:

    Exactly, I remember in Uni in the UK, the Chinese would all live in the same buildings, never work with any foreigners. I heard from one of them they would just buy their dissertation online and never really paid attention in class. That’s why when they come back to HK their English is shit, they never try to practice. Just slurping noodles and watching canto soap on their laptop. Then trying to act like they’re fluent when they’re in HK

  80. Barry says:

    If you gave a local 2 ways to achieve the same goal. One goal involving true and honest means, the other ill gotten and adulterous dishonest… we’ll, they would only chose the later because they would think upon themselves as getting ahead. Proper cunts.

  81. Barry says:

    On top of being deceitful and malicious.. to be honest, they are just plain boring. Have you ever met folk this dull before? Just think about it, have you?

  82. Anonymous says:

    The fact that they’re plain boring and dull doesn’t bother me to be honest. What bothers me is the fact that they’re dull, but with a hidden agenda, that is, to take advantage of our culture, rape our education system and use it to fulfil their crass and amoral deception. Everybody on the planet (or at least a vast majority) now know what those scumbags are all about, and nobody trust them. But they keep on pissing on our education and culture, which should never be allowed. And that is because of… well, guess, money! It’s partly our own fault (i.e. universities in the UK, USA and elsewhere) which welcome those parasites because they have turned into businesses, rather than institutions devoted to the excellency of their practice (or why not say ‘whores’). But they don’t have much of a choice now, it’s a complex system which involves governments and policy makers, who are squeezing the blood out of our educational institutions, forcing them to turn into [aggressive] business models. The Chinese have picked on that and are making use of this scuffle to reap profits from it, while taking the piss. Hence the fact that they only care about… guess, money! That really is revolting. The fact that they’re stupid, crass, dull and boring isn’t the problem as long they stay in their own mediocrity, but they refuse to because they now think they can simply buy their way into everything. The problem with money is that what goes round comes round, and the West is beginning to see this effect with the Chinese. Time for a serious re-think about VALUES, and not profit alone, especially at tertiary level.

  83. Barry says:

    This whole looking after old people they reckon they are good at in Asia. I don’t get it.

    I’ve seen they actually do it in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos etc…

    But in Hong Kong ?

    All I see all day is old folk carting cardboard all over down 15 hours a day.. just so they can survive to live in their little coffin homes.

    It’s all over the city, no one can deny not having seen it.

    What I do notice is locals trying squeeze on in with the grandparents trying to claim that now-worth-a-fortune apartment.

    Greedy cunts.

    I’ve never witnessed a city worse upon its elder citizens.

  84. Anonymous says:

    Barry, we live in an age of stalemate largely caused by the mainstream media. The so called ‘political correctness’ is a smoke screen to hide the horrors caused by people like the Chinese (whether mailanders, or hongkongers, or other scum of this earth). When I lived in this shithole (Hong Kong) I also witnessed these horrors, but my only way to expose this and express my opinion is through random blogs on the net such as Hong Kong Sucks. Let me give you an example: a few years back, in 2013, the Washington Post published a very accurate article on ‘A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries’, which placed Hong Kong top of the list. I was still in Hong Kong at that time and did experience it on a daily basis – the intolerance and racism (amongst other ‘attributes’ we are all very familiar with) from the Chinese. Ironically, a scumbag, prof. at the Hong Kong University, Ng Chun Hung, disputed this claim by saying that the Chinese data on the article was wrong. Well, from my personal experience it certainly wasn’t.

    HKU, through this scumbag, managed to persuade the Washington Post to retract the figures about Hong Kong, which made my jaw drop.

    Therefore, what you and I see and experience makes little difference while assholes such as Ruppert Murdoch and Co. are more than willing to suck the little cocks of the Chinese. That is called ‘politically correct’. Now, those parasites know this and are dancing around the whole mess like Santa is coming because they know that money and wealth will buy everything (including [and especially] the international mainstream media), reason why they don’t give a fuck about anything and keep on behaving like the crass pieces of shit they are. There will always be a ‘Chinaman’ or some other cunt to dispute everything because this is not mainstream media, hide themselves behind the colossal shit they call ‘culture’, and keep on spitting, screaming like psychopaths, pointing their fingers and slurping on their fucking noodles regardless.

  85. iBone says:

    Hong Kong really is the cesspool center of the universe from self important gweilo FILTHs (Failed In London Try Hong Kong) to local pretentious, skinny, socially awkward nerds. The only thing everyone worships here is money which is good if you’re a punter because you can get your asshole licked for $50 from a local, highly ‘educated’, gold worshipping ‘Kong Girl’.

  86. So rich fuk u says:

    I am white, succeed in London and now I am eating Hong Kong by the chunk, does that make me a SILTH?

    You white haters need to be careful and step up or you will be cleaning Chinese toilets.

  87. Barry says:

    Do Chinaman use toilets? Serious question..

  88. Anonymous says:

    ‘So rich fuk u says:
    October 11, 2017 at 3:42 am
    I am white, succeed in London and now I am eating Hong Kong by the chunk, does that make me a SILTH?

    You white haters need to be careful and step up or you will be cleaning Chinese toilets.’

    No, that makes you a SHIT-EATER. Enjoy!

    The last sentence gives away that you’re not white and never succeeded in London. So, Fuk U whether you’re rich, or rimming white assholes for $50.

  89. Barry says:

    Chinaman, why don’t you entertain the crowds and share with us all how many you squeezing into that bedroom tonight?

    Just missing you, in need of a good laugh!

  90. Anonymous says:

    Hey, Chinaman, So rich fuk u, or whoever the fuk you are. I’m white and I can give etiquette lessons to your brain dead children so that they don’t make an ass of themselves when you buy their way into Eton College. I can also give extra tuition on how best to do ass rimming for a promotional price. $3,000 per half hour. I can also give tuition on how to perm your pubic hairs for an extra $2,000, so that you don’t embarrass yourself in the gym or swimming pool changing rooms. I can also give tuition on how to use pronouns, prepositions and articles in English language so that you don’t sound like a complete idiot when you pretend to be ‘English speaker’ on the internet, or elsewhere. Special price – $10,000 per 1/2 hour a week for the whole package.

  91. Anonymous says:

    ‘iBone says:
    October 10, 2017 at 2:49 pm
    Hong Kong really is the cesspool center of the universe from self important gweilo FILTHs (Failed In London Try Hong Kong) to local pretentious, skinny, socially awkward nerds.’

    That is so fucking true!

  92. Nick Ho says:

    Anonymous says:
    October 14, 2017 at 5:24 am

    “Hey, Chinaman, So rich fuk u, or whoever the fuk you are. …. I can also give extra tuition on how best to do ass rimming for a promotional price. $3,000 per half hour. ”

    Wow, $3000 per half hour for teaching ass rimming. I know you are pretty good at it, but can you give me a discount? 20% off perhaps?

  93. Anonymous says:

    Haha.. offer rimming to fucking chinks? Not in a million years. Have you lost your sense of humour in HK, Tony M? It’s fun to see dipshits like Nick Ho surfacing from the sewers to ask for a ‘discount’. I would happily charge those pieces of shit to rim my asshole (although my ass rimming ‘tuition’ would be only for women, and pretty ones). Now, as for your ‘meritocracy’ mention, it’s not as clear-cut as you suggested. Yes, I agree with you that white riches in Hong Kong are not scum (they are not the ones faking everything under the sun to get into people’s pockets). I am not rich, but I met some very decent and extremely rich white people in Hong Kong, they do live with dignity in the most expensive place on the planet and they do have the legitimate right to enjoy their life style in HK. They are also not stupid and very well know the multitude of crap generated by the so called ‘Chinese new money’, or those pieces of yellow shit who will indiscriminately pray upon each and everyone to cushion their pockets through whatever means, to then flood casinos in Macao and stuff their arses with shark fin soup, or other expensive Chinese ‘delicacy’. Obviously they (the white riches) do keep their distance from all that. But… on the flip side, you do have tons of white idiots, flocking into Hong Kong with their self-importance, a holier-than-thou attitude and nothing in between their two ears. Squeezed in between this whole dystopia is a handful of real good professionals who come to Hong Kong completely deluded and misguided by its fake image of ‘Asia World City’. The rest of the story is just garbage, and a bitter taste that Hong Kong really only brings the worst of the worst, packed together as a stinky fatberg. iBone does have a point, and I agree with him in many ways, although his definition of ‘gweilo F.I.L.T.H.’ is somewhat misplaced.

  94. Tony M says:

    It is a very sad decline when whites are prepared to offer rimming to chinks, at any price.

    To those on this blog who are sinking slowly down the ranks in HK: don’t resent the successful business people from the west and call them FILTH…that is passe sine 1997. Its a meritocracy now, and a tough competitive one.

    If you think rich whites are scum, it’s just that you are jealous that they hold up a mirror to your failure. Failure may be too harsh…perhaps they remind you to live in dignity, HK is the most expensive city in the world…perhaps leave to somewhere you can afford and not feel second/third best?

    My advice: exploit these fools, toughen up, stop offering yourselves out as man-whores, earn a fortune and get the hell out of Hong Kong.


  95. HK Small Penis Island says:

    most of the so called filth was back in the days when there was no skilled workforce, it is getting harder to get a job here now. The few lucky ones are the native english speakers, who despite having no skills are getting jobs thanks to their mother tongue. oh yeah the recruiters, how does this job still exist, they are the most useless profession on the planet.

  96. Lick Ho says:

    Apple is kowtowing to China.. WAHAHAAAAHAAA

  97. iBone says:

    Thankfully I never had the opportunity to live in this shithole. Waking up to fresh air and beautiful mountain views every morning. To those who are staying or who think they have found ”success” in HK. Even if you rule the shithole of this planet, does it not make you the King of shitholes?

  98. Anonymous says:

    Exactly my thoughts.

  99. Anonymous says:

    iBone, your post raises many questions about the validity of being the ‘King of this shithole’. Yes, if you have shitloads of money you can retreat to the confines of The Peak, or Repulse bay, and perhaps a very few other ‘retreats’ (not Lama Island because it’s an isolated shithole in itself). What do you actually do? Retreat to your safe heaven and pretend everything is paradise outside the walls of your heaven? I’ve been to The Peak and Repulse Bay countless times, and the world right outside your heaven is truly repulsive! You look towards Victoria Harbour from The Peak and all you see is a hazy grey smog with the shades of those stupid and outdated shit skyscrapers in Central and TST. The heat and humidity (together with the horrible pollution) that makes you sweat your ass off (2-3 showers a day, or be confined to a crap aircon ambience to survive). Or you are in Repulsive Bay under worst climatic conditions than on The Peak, go for a walk along the beach and have to stumble your way through thousands of disgusting mainland tourists, creating chaos on and around the beach. The other option is to hide yourself inside your chauffeur driven car and hop from hotel/shopping mall to hotel/shopping mall? Do you call this a ‘high life’? It sounds more like a sewage high detention centre to me. However, enjoy!

  100. AK47 says:

    iBone = lying.

  101. Anonymous says:

    Who cares.

  102. Anonymous says:

    This is not a beauty contest or an episode of ‘Would I Lie to You’. Honk Kong sucks at all levels. There’s no charm, everything is vulgar, shallow and fake. Even the climate is unforgiving (plus ridiculous pollution = unbearable). I really don’t understand why white people who are so rich are still living in this shithole. If I had all that wealth I’d simply transfer my assets to a civilised place… unless of course you are unfortunate enough to be completely stuck in Hong Kong (i.e. nationality and citizenship issues). It’s weird how some 3rd and 4th generation Western people born in Hong Kong do consider themselves ‘Hongkongers’. For one thing the Chinese do not consider them Hongkongers, and do not welcome white people (as well as other ethnic groups) amongst them. If they say otherwise they are simply lying.

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